Current Fishing Reports from Rio Colorado Lodge

Fishing Report ending October 30, 2005

During the week, Roy Ventura and his wife Dunia had a great day boating a HUGH tarpon on FLY and catching a nice snook on a 4lb FLY gear. They also caught a large number of Mojarra in the back lagoon on lite tackle, so we had wondeful fresh fish for lunch and dinner along with all the other usual great food that is prepared.

Mike Tenney and Clark Jenny of Minnesota boated multiple tarpon each day of a 4 day trip. They jumped a minimum of 20 tarpon, boating 7. Additionally, Mike and Clark caught two jack crevalle at 25 and 35 lbs. each. The smallest tarpon was 85lbs. and the largest was 165lbs. The last afternoon they counted jumping 7 tarpon and boating 2.

Large Jack Crevelle have been actively biting this week, and a nice 25 lb. triple tail was brought to the dinner table!

The first signs of Calba are in Sunday, and the park department is working to eliminate illegal netters. They arrested two local illegal netters on Sunday in broad daylight!

We expect great fishing for the near future with the barometer changing due to the storm. We have some space available, come see what you get into!

Rio Colorado Lodge in Costa Rica

Archie Field's Rio Colorado Lodge


P.O. Box 5094, 1000 San Jose, Costa Rica
Telephone 011 (506) 232-4063 or 232-8610
FAX: 011 (506) 231-5987
Office in the Lobby of the Hotel Tryp Corobici
For Reservations & Information Call
In the USA or Canada 1-800-243-9777
FAX (813) 909-4467

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